You have entered through the door of hidden entites

within all of us exist multiple selves hidden in diffent routes of our own mind that not everyone will see or enter. We all have shadows and protectors. Carl Jung talked about his philosophy of the shadow self many years ago. But some may not see it as literal as it may truly be. These entites are often seen in doorways, the shadow people.


throughout my time of cleaning a church I would often question my own sightings from the corner of my eye. most the time black shadows disapearing or sweeping past but I could never see them clearly. I catch my self tense with intrusive thoughts, feelings of anger? where is this coming from? Later out of the blue i had just felt like i was struck by to my normal self only to see a black shadow come and go? was that inside me?


another encounter, on a regular day i find myself still a bit stressed, and drained but i go to get some tea. for reasons unknown I am struck with emotion and light, feeling as if I could cry for the whole world just looking at those around me. In a world so cruel filled with apathy, cruelty, and hate. I just wish to love everyone wishing all souls could be helped. I walk back to where i was that day i saw a black shadow at the church only to experience a possible white figure from the corner of my eye shortly after my emotions were balanced
who are these entities? are they a part of us? are the black ones the us that we will never want to acknowledge? like a neglected child for years only to grow into a monster? are the white ones a part of us? are they protective spirits? It is said that the white entities are indeed protective guardians but it was also said that they are more rare to see.