floating and dreaming through life how could i ever make my home in both this reality and the spirit realm at the same time? Often in the many worlds of my slumber i am flying in the sky, im gliding across the ocean across the different contintents, im rising into the sky until i see the galaxy until it gets smaller and smaller just like how you see a wavelength of the music from God and his angels. Infinite. However sometimes the thought of that in my waking life gives me feeling of discomfort with my feet not on the ground. Sometimes the idea of swimming deep in the sea could feel more comforting. If only depths of the see werent so dark, so unknown like where my own mind drifts off to. how far does it go? With one head always in reality and one head always in a fantasy I find it easiest to feed my imagination when I am going out to the world to see others. I want to go out so I can go into my own world of daydreams. It's like my imagination is cranked like a music box when i am active and sometimes just an on going flow as if a tv was places inside of my brain.

Someday if only i could build a portal to enter the different dimensions at my leisure. Or? am I the portal? what do others see in me? Could i outwardly express my thoughts and create something where people can travel to different kingdoms at least? i want to create something but my physical energy simply creates my imagintation? At least I wonder. The ones I cherish are always with me there... still if only i could feel relaxed with it more. I wander, I stray, I pace around and spin in joy as I spiral. Until I spiral inside my brain. Inside there is a door. Inside there are entities and spirits screaming. who are they? are they good? are they bad? a mixture? I still have a sense of fear and feel the need to keep watch of them and hold the door down so they dont break out. But is that right? maybe if i see them all truly as they are they will leave or maybe I could make peace with them. maybe we could benefit. And i can uncover a home, my home. I am the walking portal.