
Throughout the centuries toward the begining of time lived someone. Their name was xxxxx. Xxxxx was very fragile, delicate, sensitive and emotional. Often they would have vivid dreams, they would long for much more in life. Since their first life they have been reincarnated while in each life growing more and more weary. Theyd have a hard time controlling their thoughts of all the horrible things in life. Sometimes while in bed at night theyd hear things, were they guardians, angels, or spirits talking to them? And if so were those spirits good or evil?

The strange disturbing creature

Fallen into a world of darkness with nothing in sight xxxxx is filled with despair they feel as if they have been falling for days. after a while they look down to see a bit of light. they see that it is a path, lit up, shimmering. They go to walk the path, for no reason other than a 6th sense they are disturbed at what it is that could be at the end. Walking for hours they finally see something, they are stairs leading upward. As xxxxx approaches the stair case the feeling they had early grew stronger they could feel it in their chest, their insides, muscles, all over the body from head to toe started to twitch. As they walk up, the first thing they start to see are tentacles, tall tenticles squirming up to the sky. As xxxxx grows closer they feel their own conscience fading voices in their head rise. Screaming, laughing, saying evil things. They reach the top of the stairs and their it is. More than just tentacles xxxxx is speechless and disgusted and terrified, they cannot describe the creature before them. As xxxxx's conscious slowly fades they stumble and fall to the ground blacking out.

rose tinted simulation

Xxxx has entered a new life. Due to perfectionistic nature the only wish to see the good in others. The longer they go on it becomes more harder. Roaming through a life so dim/un alive, they wish to spread light wherever they go. But what if they could find someone like themselves. Who belongs in this world "do I? " they ask themselves. They certainly aren't innocent or are they a split soul---- one half being pure good that they wish to hang on to, the other half--- pure impending evil/chaos destruction. Who were they from the beginning of time. Over the years of this life they eventually developed a positive lense of everyone and everything falling into a spiritual sleep. But each time they wake up its as if things only get worse in each and every awakening. The rug pulled from under them, a trap door falling into insanity. Before than theyd see everyone as a friend . The lights of the illusion of life turned off. The sun turned Red. The sky turned a blackish burgundy. The ones xxxx saw as friends all stop what they are doing. And walk toward them. Eyes shot opened and laughing. A tunnel vision directly at them even strangers. The world's turning more into insanity completes apart from their knowledge as they thrived in their dreams. But which perception is true? Could the use of your very own positive spiritual energy be a danger? And if one shall release that energy what will that person see or attract? Another question, if their is such a thing as a spiritual death while the body is still alive but nothing but emptiness, what will that leave room for? When you come to spiritual enlightenment to a higher level of astral awareness what does it activate? Perhaps you become placed into a game of danger. Xxxxx had sprinted home. after laying down they were conflicted with immense agonizing thoughts and emotions. They ask themselves "should I stop caring? should i just disregard everything" Starting to let out a strong laughter filled with fear they slowly slipped out of their body.


creatures cast down from the heavens to the earth but what were those unknown reasons? these fallen angels being born on earth as humans, a baby just like anyone else however with one thing different-- they have a memory of their past. in a divine realm. As their punishment for rebelling they are ruled to live a life as human on earth no longer with immortality they know from the beginning of their birth what is happening. Forced to live on earth knowing that their fate toward the underworld is sealed for eternity~ after death. With this mindset it curses them they can no longer feel much empathy or kindess to other humans, anything similar is the result of severe attachment so they attach themselves to anyone they find will love them. Ordinary humans do not know their secret. These fallen ones wish to at least enjoy their one and only last life with love. onces their was a human who had opened their heart to one of the fallen. A fallen that could feel appreciation and gratefulness but still with a yearning for nothing but a fantasy, to be set free. If a human were to accept them it would mean their paths would be merged in a desperation to the uderworld, but together. The human told their lover that they would sink with them.

Inverted realm

After slipping out of consciousness xxxxx had looked around to see darkness of everything in their room with shades of blacks greys and blues. they had looke to their bedside table to see surgical utensils. They are struck with fear. As they get up they are filled with a familiar feeling. But where? When? What exactly is this feeling of deja vu. They have a bad clairvoyant feeling. They start to hallucinate. Spiders from the floor the wall, one with long skinny legs that seems to be clear with a dull glow or brightness, a cold white. They hear a hissing screaming noise to their right to find a monsterous looking venus fly trap. coming out of the wall where a tapestry with flowers had been that they hung up on the wall. They turn again to the left to see something immersing out of closed closet doors. 3 tigers all looking clear and crystalized like a spirit. They exit the room and go down stairs. The ugly disturbing deja vu feeling becomses stronger as their mind is plagued with morbid thoughts and body twitches. They see a slimy trail on the floor. Following the slimy trail there seems to be multiple places where whatever this thing as been but they see one part lead to the kitchen. Xxxxx is horrified and as the feeling grows stronger but there seems to be no creature around. They seem to let out of sigh of annoyance and a sigh of relief all while their is still underlying terror. Slowy they feel a drop of liquid fall on their head. Confused xxxxx looks up to be frozen in shock with a hard to grasp but strong familiarization. slimey green skin, tentacles, countless eyes popping out all shot open staring down. A vertical mouth opens up with multiple rows of teeth. xxxxx slowly opens their mouth with only 1 second to scream before this eldritch monsterous creature dashes off the ceiling to devour them.